Costume (and Uniform) Inventory Resources

for Theatre Costumes, Props-Sets, Wigs, Equipment, Uniforms, Patterns and more
Call 855-468-8247 (USA/Canada)
Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions
Is a database better than a spreadsheet for inventory?
Yes, yes, yes. Many companies, theatres and schools start out with a spreadsheet to inventory their items and quickly realize that it doesn't allow for the features they want: Photos, easy searching for items, a wide variety of reports, checkout / rental of items, and multi-user access.
Databases such as the Theatre, Equipment, Pattern and Uniform Inventory Databases are designed to make it easy to:
* Enter detailed records for each item with up to 6 photos for Costumes and Props.
* Search for items by Tag ID or a lot of other details (type, time period, color, etc)
* View, print and export data to share with others. All reports can be printed to a printer or a PDF file
* Update Utility tables which are used for drop-down fields in the data entry screens
* Print over 30 reports. Many allow you to select / filter the records to print to get just what you need
* Assign Costume Pieces, Props and Lighting fixtures to Productions. Assign Uniforms to Classes.
* Check out or Rent items (Costume Pieces, Props, Equipment) to individuals or organizations.
* Each Check-in with a barcode scanner. Print receipts and reports to track rentals.
* Allows several people to enter/edit data in the database at the same time. Easy network installation.
Can I import data from a spreadsheet into the database?
We can import the data for you. Please contact us and we can discuss how it is done. We usually charge a small fee to import the data. The cost will depend on the complexity of the spreadsheet and the number of records.
Can the database be put on the web?
No, sorry. The database is a MS Access database that an be installed on a single PC or a Local Area Network.
We have tried 5 different web database applications and have decided not to use all of them. All of them were too expensive for our customers. An on-line database requires that the database be installed on a host server and there are monthly costs for the software and the hosting. Even with the least expensive types we found that the monthly costs we would have to pass on to our customers would be $50 per month, every month - even if you don't use it.
We also had a lot of difficulty finding a database application that would handle the photos as well as the current database. There are many photo sharing applications - that don't have the database capabilities (Detailed descriptions, searching, check-out/check-in, reports, etc). We found database that can offer some of the database features we wanted but they really couldn't handle the photos.
So after a lot of work and frustration we have decided to stay with what works best.
We are always looking for a cost effective database with photos that can be hosted on the web. When we find it we will be announcing it on the website.
How can I share my database with my collaborators or potential renters within my company and around the country?
Sharing your database with associates in your own theatre, company or school is easy. The database can be installed on a local area network by your IT Staff. Click here for information on how to do that.
Once installed you can open the Utilities Menu and the Company/Application setup menu and look for the Application Setup question: Do you want to Require users to Login? (Yes/No)

When you turn on Login Security you can set up user accounts for each person you want to allow access. There are 3 User Types with different levels of access:
Administrator - can add / edit / delete all data records and utilities
Data Entry - can add / edit / delete data entry records (Costumes, Props, Equipment, etc) but not update any Utilities.
Read-Only - can only view database records, do searches and print reports. They cannot edit any data or utility record.
Sharing with people outside your organization:
For the most part you and your organization do not want to let outside individuals into your database - no matter how well-meaning or wonderful they are. Your database contains so much valuable information and has taken so many hours of time to input your data that you don't want anyone into it that is not part of your organization to get into the database. Imagine how upset you would be if you came in one day to find that someone deleted 50 costume or prop records - or - changed to Storage Location or Current Location field to something else. Your data would no longer be complete or accurate. It can take many, many hours to either - copy the data from a backup file (which may or many not have all your recent adds/edits) or to go through each record one by one to see if it is correct. If you have 2,000 records it will take a few days to review and fix it. If you have 20,000 records it is major problem.
Here is a handout on Issues with putting the database on the web. Please contact us if you have questions
To allow you to share the data so they can see (but not touch) the data you can print a variety of reports. All reports in the Theatre, Pattern, Equipment and Uniform databases can be 'printed' to a "PDF" file. See this page in the User Guide for more information.
The most commonly shared reports are:
Photo Gallery - from the Search Results menu
Catalogs (Costumes and Props) - from the Search Results menu
List of Items with Photos (all databases) - from the Search menu
If a friend or someone who wants to rent costumes/props from you would like to see everything you have for "Music Man" you can do a Search and select "Music Man" from the Production list. Once the Costumes/Props are listed you can select the type of report (Photo Gallery, List or Summary with photos, or Catalog) and print it to a PDF. The PDF can be emailed to your friend or it can be posted to your website.
Here is an example of a website with 3 sample PDF reports. Your website designer should be able to add the PDF files to you site very easily.
Can I use Windows Remote Desktop Connection to connect to my database?
Yes - if you set up the Windows Remote Desktop connection you can connect to a computer at the office/theatre from another computer through the Internet.
Here is a link to the Microsoft webpage with more information:
Does the database back itself up every day?
The database has a backup features on the Utilities menu but it doesn't run automatically. You can go to the Utilities Menu, Backup Database and click a button to make a backup of the data tables. Here is a link to the User Guide with information on the Backup utility.
If you have the database installed on a network - the IT staff should set up a daily backup for you. You will need to be sure they tell you where the backup is stored on the network so if you need it you can find it.
3rd party software - we recommend that you use a 3rd party software like CrashPlan Pro or Carbonite (or any of the other plans) to make a backup of your database folder and store it on the web. I get at least one call every month from a customer who's computer has died or their hard disk has failed and are trying to figure out how to get their database back. The advantage of a 3rd party software is that it can also back up your photos. Imagine how much time it would save to have everything backed up to the cloud and not have to start over entering data and taking the photos?
How is the database application licensed?
Licensing and Costs
Each database application is licensed to an organization in one location. This means that if you have a theatre or school in one city (even if it is in more than one building) - the database can be used on a single PC or a network that connects all the buildings.
If you are a college with locations in more than once city - then each location/campus would need to purchase their own license.
The database can be installed on a network and shared by users on that network. Please look at the Software Installation Resource Guides for more information. We are happy to work with your IT department to get the database installed and setup.
Here are links to the EULA (End User Licence Agreement) for all the databases:
Theatre (includes Costume Pieces, Performance Mgmt, Props/Sets, Scripts, Patterns, Wigs, Jewelry, Tools)
Equipment (Includes Lighting, Sound, Tools, Consoles, Stage Properties)
Music Dept / Uniform (Includes Uniforms, Instruments, Sheet Music, Equipment)
What is the cost of the database applications?
The costs of each database application and packages are listed on the Price List page. The Price List is usually updated once a year in January unless a supplier significantly raises a price before then.
Packages - such as the 'Complete Theater Inventory Database' include a database application plus tags/labels and a barcode scanner and Dritz Petite Press at a discount.
All orders over $75 have free shipping. Orders less than $75 have a $8.50 fee added to cover the cost of Priority Mail service.
Is the Cost a one-time fee or a yearly fee?
The cost of each software application is a one-time fee. There are no recurring or yearly fees. You may use the software for as long as you like. Each year there are 2 or 3 upgrades to each software package. These upgrades are usually announced in an email and on the News page of the website. The upgrades are usually new features or corrections to errors. All upgraded features are listed in the "New Features" section of the User Guide. If you wish to upgrade your current version to the latest one - you may. In the first year after purchase the upgrades are free. After 1 year there is a $75 upgrade charge. Please contact us for more details.
What is the 2nd Computer ($100) charge?
The 2nd computer charge is when an organization purchases the Theatre Inventory Database (for example) and has it installed in the Costume Shop to use for cataloging Costumes and Accessories. If the Props / Sets people want to use it for the Props/Sets module but don't want to be sharing the Theatre Inventory Database with the Costume Shop - then there is a $100 charge for the 2nd non-linked installation.
Software Installation
What is the database designed in?
All the databases (Theatre, Props, Pattern, Wigs, Jewelry, Equipment, Uniforms & Music Dept, etc.) are written in MS Access 2010. This is a PC / Windows product. The License allows you to install the database on a single PC or a Local Area Network. If you have a Mac - see the FAQ below.
Click here for a Resource Guide with more information on installation options.
I am having trouble installation the database. What do I do?
Click here for Troubleshooting Guide
We have listed several common messages and their solutions. You can always contact us at 855-468-8247 or email us at for more help.
What are the System Requirements to install the database on my PC?
Click here for System Requirements for your PC
Please read the Resource Guide carefully to be sure you have what you need. Most installations of MS Access will need a minor adjustment to the Trust Center settings - but it easy to do. The Resource Guide will explain.
Can I install the database on a Mac?
Yes - but not directly. MS Access is not available for the Mac. To install it you will need to use an additional software to create a Windows partition (an area within the Mac operating system that will run Windows). We have tested VM Fusions and have several customers who use Parallels. You will also need to install a copy of MS Windows.
Click here for the Resource Guide.
If you or your IT staff are not interested in creating a Windows partition another option is to purchase an inexpensive PC just for the Inventory Database. Most office supply stores like Staples or Office Depot have modest PC's available for under $600. Some schools and theatres have put out requests to the parents or company members to see if they are able to donate a PC. Please see the System Requirements for a PC above.
Can the database be put on the web?
No, sorry. The database is a MS Access database that an be installed on a single PC or a Local Area Network.
We have tried 5 different web database applications and have decided not to use any of them. All of them were too expensive for our customers. An on-line database requires that the database be installed on a host server and there are monthly costs for the software and the hosting. Even with the least expensive types we found that the monthly costs we would have to pass on to our customers would be $50 per month, every month - even if you don't use it.
We also had a lot of difficulty finding a database application that would handle the photos as well as the current database. There are many photo sharing applications - that don't have the database capabilities (Detailed descriptions, searching, check-out/check-in, reports, etc). We found database that can offer some of the database features we wanted but they really couldn't handle the photos.
So after a lot of work and frustration we have decided to stay with what works best.
Here is a handout on Issues with putting the database on the web. Please contact us if you have questions
We are always looking for a cost effective database with photos that can be hosted on the web. When we find it we will be announcing it on the website.
If it must be on the web you can look into a 3rd party host like who will store the database on their server. After a setup fee there are monthly charges of $25 per user or more. Most of my customers decided they did not want to commit to the monthly fees.
Can I put the database on 2 computers?
The license is good for 1 PC or a network. While you can put the database on 2 computers it is not recommended. If the database is on 2 separate computers then the data on one computer can be updated but the other computer will not have those updates. Very quickly the 2 data sets are not the same and it is a lot of work to fix them both.
The database can be stored but not used on any of the web file sharing sites. Drop Box and Google Drive are not set up to handle the complexity of a database.
Can I put the database on Drop Box or Google Drive?
Theatre Inventory Database
Is there a limit to the number of costume or props records I can enter?
Not really. The MS Access databases can hold up to a million records. Most collections of Costumes, Props, and equipment are less than 100,000 items. Even with 100,000 database records you would only be at 1/10th the capacity of the database. Many of my customers with 25,000 - 35,000 records have not noted any performance problems.
Are there any guidelines for linking the photos to the costume or prop records?
Yes - the size of the photos is something you should pay attention to before you link a photo to a costume or props record. The photo files that come off your camera or phone at around 3 - 7 MB each. While you can link a photo that large to a costume or prop record it will take a long time for the computer to display it. If you have hundreds or thousands of photos that large the reports that show a lot of photos - like the Photo Gallery on the Search results or the Catalog may not show all the photos on the screen or when you print them. The image processing software that is included in the database, dbPix, is great to manage the photos but can only manage large groups of photos that are less than 1MB each.
All your photos should be 500 KB - 1 MB in size.
To reduce the size of your photos you can use several different software packages. One we like is FastStone Photo Resizer. Here is a link to their website.
For more information look at the Resource Guide for Tips for Saving Photos.
What is the difference between the Elite and the Standard Theatre Inventory Database?
Both versions of the Theatre Inventory Database contain the Costume Pieces and Props modules. They both contain the Productions, Check-out / Check-in and Reports features.
The Standard contains the Costume Pieces and Props modules.
The Elite also contains the Performance Management and the Scripts modules.
The features of each module are:
Costume Pieces: Individual data entry record for each costume piece.
Props: Individual data entry record for each prop or set pieces
Performance Management: This module allows you to group individual costume piece records into an "Ensemble" record. This is good for when you want to assign several pieces, such as a vest, shirt, and pants, to an actor in a role in a production. Once the Ensemble records are created you can assign it to the role record in the Production module. There are many reports available from the Production screen to print out list of costume pieces (by Role, By Ensemble, by Actor, etc) used in the production.
Scripts: This module allows you to create a record for multiple copies of a script. Individual scripts can be checked out to actors / students. The module has lists of who has checked out the scripts, when they are due back and even a letter to send when the script is overdue.
Can I buy the Standard now and then upgrade to the Elite later?
Yes, of course. To upgrade you need to purchase the "Elite Upgrade". Once that is complete you will receive a new software registration key which will allow you to unlock the Performance Management and the Scripts module.
Props & Sets Inventory Database
I just want the Props & Sets - why did it download the Theatre Inventory Database?
The Props & Sets database is part of the larger Theatre Inventory Database but can also be downloaded as a Props-Only database. If you only want Props/Sets then it is easiest to download that version. If you want to add the Costume Pieces, Performance Management, Patterns or Scripts in later you can contact us to purchase the additional modules.
Can I catalog scenery flats and curtains ?
Yes - you can select "Scenery" from the Props Type dropdown - or add new types and Categories as you need them.
What is the Props Book?
The Props Book is to help you during a production to keep track of the Props and Set's Inventory labels that you have removed from the items while they are on stage. Here is a link to a handout that explains it.
Many props and set pieces cannot have an adhesive inventory label applied directly to the prop - as the label and especially the barcode would be visible from the audience. So you can put the Inventory Label on a Tyvek or manila tag and tie it to the item while it is in storage. When it is time to use it on stage you can remove the tag and put it in the Props Book.
The Props Book is just a 3 ring binder with a few plastic business card holder pages - (Look for Avery Business Card Pages at the office supply store.) On one side of the page you can put each inventory label (on a tag) - one per slot. The Inventory tags won't have much information on them besides the TagID so you will want a way to know more about each item. Since these Props and Set Pieces will have been assigned to a Production you can do a Search for the Props and Sets for that production. On the Search Results page - look for the Business Card option. You can print the results out on Business card stock - 10 props/set to a page. Then take the Business card and put it on the left side of the page and the Inventory Label on the right.
Once the production is finished it is easy to re-unite the Inventory Tags with their Props and set pieces.

Equipment Inventory Database
Is there a limit to the number of equipment records I can enter?
Not really. The MS Access databases can hold up to a million records. Most collections of Costumes, Props, and equipment are less than 100,000 items. Even with 100,000 database records you would only be at 1/10th the capacity of the database. Many of my customers with 25,000 - 35,000 records have not noted any performance problems.
What type of tags are best for equipment?
Visit the Tags & Labels page to see what labels work best for various materials.
Click here for an information sheet on equipment labels.
Pattern Inventory Database
Is there a limit to the number of pattern records I can enter?
Not really. The MS Access databases can hold up to a million records. Most collections of Costumes, Props, and equipment are less than 100,000 items. Even with 100,000 database records you would only be at 1/10th the capacity of the database. Many of my customers with 25,000 - 35,000 records have not noted any performance problems.
Are there any guidelines for linking the photos to the pattern records?
Yes - the size of the photos is something you should pay attention to before you link a photo to a pattern record. The photo files that come off your scanner, camera or phone at around 3 - 7 MB each. While you can link a photo that large to a pattern record it will take a long time for the computer to display it. If you have hundreds or thousands of photos that large the reports that show a lot of photos - like the Photo Gallery on the Search results or List of All Patterns may not show all the photos on the screen or when you print them. The image processing software that is included in the database, dbPix, is great to manage the photos but can only manage large groups of photos that are less than 1MB each.
All your photos should be 500 KB - 1 MB in size.
To reduce the size of your photos you can use several different software packages. One we like is FastStone Photo Resizer. Here is a link to their website.
For more information look at the Resource Guide for Tips for Saving Photos.
Uniform Inventory Database
Is there a limit to the number of uniform, instrument or equipment records I can enter?
Not really. The MS Access databases can hold up to a million records. Most collections of Costumes, Props, Uniforms and equipment are less than 100,000 items. Even with 100,000 database records you would only be at 1/10th the capacity of the database. Many of my customers with 25,000 - 35,000 records have not noted any performance problems.
Are there any guidelines for linking the photos to the uniform or instrument records?
Yes - the size of the photos is something you should pay attention to before you link a photo to a uniform or instrument record. The photo files that come off your camera or phone at around 3 - 7 MB each. While you can link a photo that large to a uniform record it will take a long time for the computer to display it. If you have hundreds or thousands of photos that large the reports that show a lot of photos - like the Photo Gallery on the Search results or List of All Uniforms may not show all the photos on the screen or when you print them. The image processing software that is included in the database, dbPix, is great to manage the photos but can only manage large groups of photos that are less than 1MB each.
All your photos should be 500 KB - 1 MB in size.
To reduce the size of your photos you can use several different software packages. One we like is FastStone Photo Resizer. Here is a link to their website.
For more information look at the Resource Guide for Tips for Saving Photos.
Inventory Tags & Labels
What is the difference between Tags and Labels?
Tags are for garments. They are either sewn in or ironed on. They are washable and dry cleanable. The Iron-0n tag has a heat sensitive adhesive. They have to be ironed on with a very hot iron (350 degrees).
Labels are self-adhesive (peel and stick) labels for Props, Accessories, Equipment and Cables. There are many sizes, shapes and adhesive types. Click here for an information sheet on these labels.
Do many theatres or companies use your tags?
Yes ! We print over 250,000 Inventory Tags and Labels a year. Our tags and labels are on stage and in colleges and schools in the USA and 20 other countries.
How do I apply the tags ?
Iron-on Tags: Use a very hot iron - set to 350 degrees. We recommend the Dritz Petite Press on setting 4. The tag should be positioned where you want it and the iron placed on the tag for 6-10 seconds. You will need to move the iron to cover the entire surface of the tag. Be sure to cover all 4 corners. Tags that are not applied with a hot iron will come off during washing or dry cleaning. Costume Inventory Resources is not responsible for lost tags. See the Tutorial on applying tags.
Click here for the Resource Guide on How to Apply tags.
Sew-in Tags: Sew-in tags can be sewn in with a standard sewing machine. It is best to sew around all 4 corners. The main thing to remember is the use the color of thread to match the garment as the bobbin thread will show on the outside (right side) of the garment. Care should be taken to not sew too close to the barcode. A line of black thread near the barcode can be confusing to the barcode scanner.
How do I order Tag and Labels ?
There are a few things we need to print your order:
Type of tags or labels. Your order can contain a mixture of tags and labels but we will ask you what type you want.
Size: Many tags and labels come in multiple sizes so we need to know the size you want.
Quantity of each type: We need to know how many you want. We can print any quantity. If you order more than 500 of any size we generally put 500 on a roll.
Design: We need to know the text (we can print most fonts) or logo (we can print from a black and white *.jpg file) you want on the tag/label.
Starting Number: Tags and labels usually have a barcode and sequential number (0001, 0002, 0003...). We will need to know the starting number for the sequence. If you don't want barcodes or sequential numbers on your order, just let us know.
Blank lines ?? Some customers like to add a blank line to write in information like Size, Production, or Storage Location. We can add one or two blank lines (depending on the size of the tag). See the samples above.
Click here for a worksheet to help you plan your order.
If I run out of tags/labels - can I order more?
Of course ! We love printing more tags and labels. We keep a record of all the tags we print so we know what the last number we printed was and the design. We can usually print your refill order in 1 or 2 days. Just call (855-468-8247) or email us.
What pen should I use to write on the tags and labels?
For Tags (Iron-on and Sew-In) We recommend the Newhouse No. 1 All Purpose Laundry Marker. These are available from Amazon and other sellers. Other pens that work well are: Staedler Lumocolor marker and the Sharpie Ultra Fine Point. The Lumocolor marker comes from England so it is harder to get.
For the Self-adhesive labels we recommend a Sharpie Ultra Fine Point.
Can I return labels that have been printed ?
No - Sorry. No returns or refunds on custom printed tags and labels. Costume Inventory Resources is not responsible for the use of these tags and labels. We provide FREE SAMPLES for you to test each type of tag and label on your garments, props, equipment and cases. Please test your samples thoroughly before placing an order.
How are the tags or labels delivered?
Both Tags and Labels are delivered on a small roll. The tags and labels are in sequential number order on the continuous roll of material. Each roll has up to 500 tags or labels on a roll (unless you order slightly over 500 then we try to put them all on a single roll). If you order 1,000 tags - you will receive 2 rolls of 500 tags. Each roll is in a clear bag with a label that shows the type of material, the starting and ending numbers, date printed and any notes.
Why are there splices or blank areas in the roll?
The tag material (iron-on and sew-in) and the self-adhesive labels come from the manufacturer on continuous rolls of material - sometimes with splices. Our printers use special ribbons that are not the same length as the tag/label material rolls. There is no way for us to predict when a material roll or ribbon will run out (we can't see inside the printers while they are printing). If either the material or the ribbon runs out during a printing session we do the best we can to skip a few inches of material and load a new ribbon or splice in a new piece of tag material to complete that roll. We try to be as economical as we can and prefer to splice new material on a roll rather then throwing the partial roll away and starting over. If we did that we would have to raise our prices significantly. We are very careful to be sure that all orders have all the ID numbers and none or skipped.
Barcode Scanners
Where can I buy a Barcode Scanner?
We sell 2 types of Barcode Scanners in our store. We have the TaoTronics wireless barcode scanner and the Adesso wired scanner. Both connect to your computer through the USB connection. Click here for more info.
Why would I want a scanner?
Barcode scanners are designed to read the barcodes on the inventory tags and labels that you apply to your garments and props, equipment, tools, etc. They aren't a very complicated piece of equipment - they just read the number and write it to your computer at the position of the cursor. But they read and write the number very quickly and accurately. Checkout the tutorial for more info and videos.
Our customers use the scanners for:
1) Find a Costume Piece / Prop or Equipment Piece: If you are holding a garment/prop/equipment in your hand and want to view the database record for it - Go to the Costume Piece/Prop/Equipment screen and click on the "Search" button. The first box you see is to search by Tag ID. Put you cursor in this box and scan the tag. The database record will appear on the screen.
2) Checkout/Rent items: Barcode scanners are best used to quickly check items out on the Check-out or Rental screen. Once the Rental information (who is renting, date items due back, etc) is created you can place your cursor on the Tag ID field in the tab (Costume Pieces, Props, Lighting, Sound, Media Equpment, etc) you are using. You can scan the item to be checked out and it will write the Tag ID in the field and the cursor will move automatically to the next record. This way you can collect the items to be checked out and put them near the computer, create the Checkout / Rental record then scan all the items quickly.
3) Check-in or return item:. The Checkout/Rental menus have a "Quick Check-In" feature. This form will allow you enter the tag id's of the returned items very quickly. You don't have to find the rental record - just check in the items on the appropriate form (Costume Pieces, Props, Equipment, etc).
My barcode scanner won't work !!!#@#%!
Barcode Scanner Tutorial
We know how frustrating it is when your scanner won't work. We have several tips and fixes at the end of the Barcode Scanner Tutorial. If you try them all and it still won't work - give us a call and we will try to help you.
Barcode Scanner Tutorial
The Ultimate Ditty Bag
Why are the Ditty Bags so expensive?
All our Ditty Bags are cut and sewn by hand. Our materials are of very high quality so that the Ditty Bags will last for many years of theatre use. We are always trying to find ways to cut costs but not the quality. You can sew the bag yourself by purchasing the Ditty Bag Kit. All materials and notions are cut. The kit has very details instructions with photos to help you do the job.
Can the Ditty Bag be washed?
Yes, the Ditty Bag can be washed on a gentle cycle or by hand. They should be hung to dry. The Ditty Bag Card pocket (if vinyl or plastic) may need to be dryed off by hand.
Rack Dividers
What are the Adhesive Business Card holders for?
The Adhesive Business Card holders are to hold a business card that you can print from the Theatre Inventory Database or write by hand. This allows you to put the name of the role, actor or production on the card and put the Rack divider on a rack in the dressing room during a production. When the production is over you can easily remove the card and the Rack Divider will be ready for the next time. Most business card stock will work but we have tested the Avery Business Card stock # 8371. Click here for more information on supplies.
The Worksheets are blank forms that you can use to inventory your Costume Pieces, Props/Sets and Wigs on paper before entering the data in the computer. You may download and print as many copies as you need.
This is a good way to have many people working in the collection gathering data. Once the worksheets are filled out another person can enter the data from the worksheets into the Theatre Inventory Database.